
Practical, Impractical or just a DIFFERENT approach?

How many of you have come up with fresh ideas or thoughts and shared with somebody and they said to you, “Be Practical, stop being impractical!” Let’s touch this topic today!! What is meant by the word ‘Practical’? Practical simply means concerned of bringing things into practice! And Impractical? Just look at this word, the…

What if you are never wrong?

Most of the times, we tend to look at the wrongness of ourselves and others. For eg:- If I say, “You have anger issues!…Yes! You have it!” Doesn’t this sentence create discomfort and a whole lot of judgements, all of sudden? It is because we have created loads of definitions around the word anger. Many…

Are you being ‘YOU’ or someone else?

How many times do you look around and compare yourself, as well as, your life situations with others, and think of yourself, ‘not good enough’? Unfortunately, since childhood we are programmed that ways. As a kid, the marks are compared, and we’re told to be like someone who scores more. And that ‘someone’ most of…

How many seeds of limitations do you have?

How many ‘buts’ and ‘ifs’, do you use as prefix in your life just to limit yourself? Q : Would you like to add butter on your food? A: “If I eat butter, I will gain weight”. Q: Your eyes are amazing! A : “But I have dark circles.” How many limitations and judgements are…


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