Meeting my Dad’s soul & birth of USP Healing

NOTE : If you cannot understand, it’s alright. Try to read and just FEEL!

In 2012, my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. One day I felt like keeping my hand on the painful region of his body and this became the break-through point in my life where I received awareness of energies transmitting from my hand and creating ease for his body. In short span of his dis-ease, he made a choice to leave the physical body and my quest of exploring life after death and communicating with the energy world grew stronger, that further led me to clairvoyantly explore and join the dots of awareness I was gifted with since childhood.

I had been energetically interacting with my father since the time he left the physical body. I would intuitively know his whereabouts in the spirit realm, and the messages that he would give me. But all this while, I had been missing his physical presence to such an extent that I wanted to touch him, hug him, just the way normally we do with a person in body. My desire to hug and feel his presence was so strong that It was in 2020, he made his presence in the form of a energy body. I could ‘touch’! I could ‘feel’ ! But I couldn’t ‘see’, because my vibration of LOVE could create the touch & feel, but my ‘fear of losing him again’ didn’t allow me to clairvoyantly ‘see’.
We had our father-daughter moment, and all was energetic communication. I cried like a baby, because it was only after the year 2012, that I was interacting with him like a magic! THAT WAS THE TIME, HE TRANSFERRED ME THE INFORMATION of a massive Healing Technique into my hands , called USP (Universal Space of Possibilities).

The experience of receiving information of USP was similar like the movie INTERSTELLAR, where daughter Murph receives the energetic information sent by her father in different dimension. I did the first experiment of USP on my father’s soul while he was energetically helping me to practice it, before I began doing it on people of earth. And Oh yes! My Father himself is a Holy Master in the Divine realm now.

USP healing is more like a blessing for the mankind. It directly engages with every sub-atomic particle of the body as well as the soul, working at the DNA level, while simultaneously shifting & transforming energies in the multi-dimensional planes, clearing the root cause originating from present lifetime or generations and dissolving into nothingness. Thus it massively impacts on not just person receiving it but the whole universe(s)! It also helps the client realise his real potential and get deep insights of what his/her soul truly desires to do and live an authentic life. If people receive it in group, USP has the power of dissolving the issue/situation permanently from the planet and the Universe! It’s like a moving prayer, so more-the-merrier.

I’m so thankful to my father, because of whom I received the awareness of healing with hands. Without him, this technique wouldn’t have been born. Even though my father has left his physical body, yet his contribution to this technique is still on! USP is brought to you by me, and power packed by energetic contribution of my father and many Divine beings of the highest realms and Their divine hierarchy.

For me, my life is a holiday! Just like people go on different places for holidays; I always wanted to explore all my skills and keep doing different things in life; thus I keep following my soul’s instincts. Initially it wasn’t easy, but I realised, when one truly follow what the soul really desires, no matter what the circumstances tend to be, things start working out. It took whole lot of guts to live like this, rather than fitting in regular norms and following how normally people create their lives. But once I started choosing to be courageous, the perspective of my life & living shifted drastically. This truly keep making me aware of limitless possibilities that are available beyond defined parameters of the society and the people. Everything is just ‘self-trust and courage’ away!