My story: Experiences of energy realm on Earth

As a kid, I always had different perspective on life and living in every aspect from other kids and people with whom I was growing up. Doing things how others do, was never fun for me. I always desired to explore my unique style of doing and creating things. At the age of 5, all I knew that I wanted to do good things for the world and people around.

Gradually, I started engaging with energetics of everything beyond this world. At the age of 7, one evening, standing on the rooftop all alone, gazing at the sky, I happened to experience ‘me’ and ‘my body’ as two different things and had my first ever experience of being with the invisible yet magical world of Angelic realm, that gave a completely different tangent to my curiosity of exploring things.

I used to play and have fun-filled conversations with the sky; and one day while playing with my sister, we happened to talk to the flowers – which brought in my awareness, that we are all ‘beings’, but with different physical appearances. This gave birth to my curiosity of knowing ‘who am I’, ‘what am I here for’. One day, I asked my mother for the meaning of my name Sukriti, she told me, it’s ‘good creation’. Since then my desire ‘to do good’ became even firmer, yet was a rebellious brat kid 😉 . But, I was too innocent till my teenage, and didn’t realise that words like ego, jealousy truly exist in the world. I used to think, everybody feels happy for each other, until I had opposite experiences.

In my teens, I read in physics about energies and their vibrational frequency transmissions; which is actually the source of existence. This was the time when I started doing counselling of my friends, just for fun and it really helped them as well as me to grow. Soon I realised, nobody here is to suffer or just survive; but to thrive in their ‘unique’ way.

Some of my friends used to compliment on my smile. And this helped me to come up with the idea (on the basis of Newton’s law of gravity) of spreading joyful energies around the world just by smiling! So at-least I could do a bit of justice to the meaning of my name, which I always felt to be symbolic purpose of my life as well. “When I smile, the vibrational frequency of my smile, transmits joyful energies across the world and reaches to the people who require it the most.”– This is one of the quotes I wrote in my teenage. I really used to mean it, and be it.

Gradually I became aware of my natural gift of reading minds, body languages and the psychology underneath. I wanted to be a Psychiatrist so I could facilitate more people, but I was Divinely Guided to do bachelors in Information Technology (IT) , the concept of programming language and codings were the breaking point of my spiritual awakening. That further facilitated me in decoding the energetics of the Universe. My desire of serving the world by becoming Psychiatrist actually was getting materialised through this bachelor degree. While my family was expecting me to do Masters in IT, I wanted to explore what else is there for me in the world that neither me nor my family have ever thought of. Coming from the family of Engineers, doctors, teachers; having a child like me is an experience in itself–God knows how my parents cooperated 😉 . God bless my dad’s soul, who had been so patient with me, as I wanted to do and explore different things, rather focussing on one thing to create a sustainable career out of it.

The desire to do something different & explore, led me to explore Animation & VFX, photography and then filmmaking. It helped me to spread good vibes and messages in joyful creative ways! During 2012, my dad was detected with Pancreatic Cancer, and I was intuitively guided to have hands-on experience of energies transmitting through hands for his healing. This further joined dots for the birth of my own healing technique – USP (Read here for more on it).

All of this inspired me to create the brand ‘Cheers To Healing’ in 2018, where I dive deep into contributing people in having ease in their life and living. So far, CheersToHealing has served people across 12 countries (and counting)!