Rahul Sharma, Mumbai

My left kidney was severely infected, I was doing atleast 70-80 vomits during 6 months of my suffering, even after doctor’s consultations and medicines, things weren’t getting better. In the 6th month of my suffering, I approached Sukriti. She started giving me distance healing, while I was still admitted in the hospital. When Doctors were about to put me on dialysis, I told Sukriti things are becoming worse, she asked me to trust the process, I ignored her sentence as I wasn’t getting better. BUT to my surprise & to doctor’s surprise, the very next day when my doctor’s were planning to put me on dialysis, MY REPORTS CAME NORMAL! I WAS FEELING ABSOLUTELY HEALTHY THAT THE DCOTOR’S DISCHARGED ME RATHER PUTTING ME ON DIALYSIS! Sukriti is the finest healer to hit the planet Earth in my estimation. She is a living Magic who heals you (50%) with conversations and rest with healing session. She is the queen of taking care & healing people! As I said she is the queen, so she wants punctuality with her clients in the Sessions πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘. So people who are reading this, please be punctual if you go to her, because many times she cancelled my sessions when I was physically healthy because I wasn’t on timeπŸ˜…πŸ˜…. But I feel, if you go to her, I am sure, your time has come to be healed. Thanks a zillion Sukriti. Best wishes always….

Published by sukriti kaul

Filmmaker|Blogger|Photographer|Holistic Therapist|Home Chef| and more...